
Evolving power dynamics can redefine global landscapes, heralding a transformative era of influence.

Emerging technologies, generational change, and arising frontiers have the potential to shift power to new geographies, people, and organizations. Where will power sit and how will it be structured Collectivism and control will clash as a debate between the value of true decentralization and heightened centralization emerges.

Explore the global forces that shape this theme:

Web 3.0 &

The evolution of the internet fundamentally represents a tension between fragmentation and centralization, as the pull towards Web3 demands decentralization, while a call for heightened oversight from governments and activists beckons just as loud. We already see experimentation with this shift towards decentralization happening on the global stage, with the possibility of introducing new centers of power as a result. For example, a shift towards decentralized organizations and finance may represent a changing tide in monetary policy at an international level, indicating a lever for leapfrog strategies across other nations.

Key questions

How might a shift towards decentralization online need to be mirrored in the management and organization of our workforce?

If everyone has access to intelligent data, rich information, and vast experiences, how does our product set need to evolve to stand out? In what ways may online interactions need to be reimagined?

What are the implications of open source vs. ownership models for our business? What operations would we need to evolve if the pendulum swings strongly in one direction?


As we look towards the future, technological advancements could enable streamlined ID systems that drive power in the form of civic engagement, financial inclusion, and the exercise of legal rights. Today, many people worldwide lack digital identity. Tomorrow, digitized records could democratize access in profound ways – reducing barriers across all spheres of life, such as: traveling, going to the doctor’s office, and maintaining financial wellbeing.

Key questions

How could the digitization of identity impact the way we interact with and understand our customer?

How might new forms of power in the future change our target market? How might it expand or contract our current customer base?


The final frontier is wide open for business, not just for astronauts but for every sector — from tech to agriculture, from telecom to tourism. As costs plummet, the space sector is ripe with revolutionary potential, reminiscent of the early Internet days. We stand at the threshold of a new era where space is not a distant dream but a practical, untapped market, brimming with opportunities that can elevate our ambitions on Earth.

Key questions

How can space-derived data and technology enhance our current business model or open new avenues for growth?

What partnerships and investment opportunities in the space sector could drive innovation and offer a competitive edge for our company?

How you respond will shape the future of your organization.

What parts of your organization might run better with greater decentralization versus a centralized approach?

How will Web3 and blockchain technology help your organization achieve your ESG goals?

With the proliferation and sophistication of both authenticated and fraudulent identities, how might your organization's identity management change?

How could new possibilities around space manufacturing impact your procurement strategy?

How would the potential for hyperlocal production and distribution of goods impact your supply chain?

Come with these questions or any of your own, and we’ll co-create solutions together.

KPMG Ignition

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